Toyo Tyre and Rubber Australia: Online Promotion

Most people regard tyres as a 'grudge' purchase. They show interest in tyres only when replacement is necessary.

Tyre makers rely on two sources for brand awareness:

  1. Their dealers. Stockists' preference is essential.
  2. The enthusiast marketplace. Word of mouth recommendation is important.

Toyo is one of the longest-standing importers of tyres to Australia, and the only tyre company still manufacturing rubber products in Australia.

It is a first tier supplier to Toyota through its plant in Minto, NSW.

Toyo chose to use the internet as a primary source of communication with its dealers and with enthusiast customers.

TPG's brief was to create a compelling and ever-changing online engagement with target audiences through Facebook.

The rationale was:

  1. lower cost than traditional promotional methods
  2. measurable results
  3. greater flexibility.

The scope for on-line content gathering is immense. With a global palette it is possible to distil information to suit local needs.


Online 'likes' have doubled in six months and will exceed KPI in advance of the target date

A dealer-specific communication has been commissioned to provide commercial in-confidence material online.