Can News: An Australian Innovation
EDM: Business 2 Customer
Ardagh Group is the world's largest innovator and manufacturer of steel cans.
In Australia and across the Pacific region it has a select group of customers who fill cans with everything from food to cosmetic products.
It's anything but a simple industry. Innovation in packaging is at a premium and the work Ardagh undertakes with and for its clients is leading-edge.
Like all Australian-based manufacturers, there's constant pressure to perform against imported products, especially in a strong economy.
The Project Group devised and built CAN News. It is a four-page electronic newsletter intended to be read online over a cup of coffee - or at least over lunch at the recipient's desk.
Copy is kept short - far shorter than a normal news story. It is gathered from world wide resources, both on-line and from industry sources.
Importantly, it is unique in the industry. There are magazines that service can makers - but there is no readily accessible condensed service like this.
Importantly it is well received, and well liked, by Ardagh's customers who regard it as a value-add to their relationship.